Forum Update Today

  • Thread starter Thread starter ben
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Thank you Ben + others who may have helped withe the software upgrade.
All seems to work well and the site has a cleaner appearance.

Just tested the site search by searching for a rare word I used in a post of a few weeks ago and it found it instantly. Impressed!

One slight niggle. I use 'latest activity' a lot and notice the action of adding a 'like a post' results in a new entry in the activity stream. Find this pointless and already irritating. This comment is not for or against the like system but to the like action clogging up the activity stream.

Wow, been awarded three trophies already. It did not make my day.

Well done - Andy

Yep - natively the software includes likes here. I may be able to create a modified version which ignores the likes however...
Just noted I'm flagged as a new member under my user ID on the left. Heck, I've only been on this site more than 10 years ;)
Should be sorted now. We'll probably adjust the labels in due course. We're using the defaults right now.

Any chance of including people's location under the avatar? The only way I could find this is to navigate to their profile?

Also noticed that when responding to a thread the title is not shown anywhere (except in the website address).

Thanks for your work in tailoring this to meet the groups requirements.


Any chance of including people's location under the avatar? The only way I could find this is to navigate to their profile?

Also noticed that when responding to a thread the title is not shown anywhere (except in the website address).

Thanks for your work in tailoring this to meet the groups requirements.


If you hover over the avatar (on a PC) you'll see the user's location

Thread title is there, but colour scheme is hiding it. It's on my list of things to fix.
I haven’t been able to login through Tapatalk today Ben, not sure whether this is related to the switch? Otherwise looks great!

Well done Ben, looks a lot better than the old site. Much appreciate you giving up your weekend and likely a lot of other time in the planning phase. I work in IT and can appreciate the effort involved

I am also having tapatalk login problem, no great worry and certainly not a category 1 issue, as nad when you get time to look into it

PS 5 trophies on one day, most i've ever had !!!
I haven’t been able to login through Tapatalk today Ben, not sure whether this is related to the switch? Otherwise looks great!


I've re-registered Tapatalk. You may need to re-add the group, as Tapatalk's admin system doesn't allow me to remove existing registered groups.

Note that the native mobile interface for the new software should be sufficient for most users. I would only use Tapatalk if you follow multiple groups.
Hey Ben, just wanted to say well done on the forum upgrade. Looks great!

Kind regards
Hi Ben, having used it now for most of yesterday and today, my feedback is overwhelmingly positive, site looks great, is very quick and agile.

There are a couple of things I would like to see updated though, and the one bug that is really annoying.
  1. Could you look into the photo uploading bug in Edge please
  2. Any chance of having a method of toggling the "Show only Unread New Posts" option, I prefer to see all posts, so every time I click on the "New Posts" button, I also have to click off the filter. I appreciate this may already be there, but I can't find it.
  3. Whilst the colour scheme is good on the whole, I find it frustrating that the blue colour of the general site is very subdued and therefore doesn't contrast with the white of the background used when you are typing new messages. This leads me to keep missing actually posting replies because I forget that it's not actually been posted. I hope that makes sense. I think you mentioned you were working on being able to have customisable themes or colours for the site, so that would fulfil that request.
Like I say, I'm really impressed with the site thus far, and I'm sure some people will think me a stickler for the above, but I apologise if anybody is offended but please feel free to criticise.
I haven’t been able to login through Tapatalk today Ben, not sure whether this is related to the switch? Otherwise looks great!


I've re-registered Tapatalk. You may need to re-add the group, as Tapatalk's admin system doesn't allow me to remove existing registered groups.

Note that the native mobile interface for the new software should be sufficient for most users. I would only use Tapatalk if you follow multiple groups.

Cheers Ben, I can confirm it’s now working after re-adding the group as you suggest.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi Ben, having used it now for most of yesterday and today, my feedback is overwhelmingly positive, site looks great, is very quick and agile.

There are a couple of things I would like to see updated though, and the one bug that is really annoying.
  1. Could you look into the photo uploading bug in Edge please
  2. Any chance of having a method of toggling the "Show only Unread New Posts" option, I prefer to see all posts, so every time I click on the "New Posts" button, I also have to click off the filter. I appreciate this may already be there, but I can't find it.
  3. Whilst the colour scheme is good on the whole, I find it frustrating that the blue colour of the general site is very subdued and therefore doesn't contrast with the white of the background used when you are typing new messages. This leads me to keep missing actually posting replies because I forget that it's not actually been posted. I hope that makes sense. I think you mentioned you were working on being able to have customisable themes or colours for the site, so that would fulfil that request.
Like I say, I'm really impressed with the site thus far, and I'm sure some people will think me a stickler for the above, but I apologise if anybody is offended but please feel free to criticise.

  1. Testing. Does this work:


    This was uploaded using Edge on a Windows 10 machine.
  2. This page doesn't allow this (although will raise with vendor). I've created this page in the meantime:
    Available under the What's new > Latest new posts
  3. I'm not sure I understand here - are you using the A2OC style? There's no blue in this (unless it appears blue to some people). I've disabled the default blue XenForo style now in case you had that selected.

Overall feel is a cleaner look to the site, but the option to view threads with newest posts first seems to have gone and what's the upgrade for £2.50 business about?
The £2.50 is a joining package whereby new members will receive stickers in return, worth more than this amount, to help weed out the scammers and trolls. It will be for a trial period only to determine new member counts.
  1. Thanks for your testing @ben - I've tried this below and it seems to work on my work machine, so I'll investigate what's happening at home. 4 Tyres.png
  2. The search thing I managed to change the "Default" by clicking on Filters in a search, and "setting as default".
  3. I am a bit colour blind, so it might be just light grey rather than blue. I tried switching theme to the A2OC Dark one, but that just changed the headings and menus etc.