Votex bodykit jacking-point cover needed

okie dokie, that helps again. Looks like I know what silicon I can use to create the moulds and how many times they will work, but also that they'll need several days before I can use them. Maybe, depending. Cheap they will not be, but I figure right now that the 25 set run is enough.

Would be very cool to get this cover or one like it down to Nuttinnew so that he could bring it on over and I can make a (non-destructive) attempt at this... I would not expect to be able to produce one before the end of this month, but if they're right, then it should be pretty rapid after that.

Again, I don't see any reason why the magic 50 number for a full set should not be holdable, but it's not necessarily going to go down that much as the moulds only last a certain amount of time.

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Well Design-Time (Darren) has already offered his full set for the purpose of moulds, and as all of the covers are unique to the gap they cover, maybe this is the best way to go. However I’m more than happy to get my o/s/f in the post ASAP if Darren cannot ship his quickly - happy to post all of mine if this helps, but I've not got the n/s/f one.

Let me know the best way to proceed. I can ship to Nuttinnew tomorrow if required.


hey bret, really appreciate it! i've never spent enough time to attempt. One point though, the original design of the 'clipping' mechanim isn't very secure (see, we all have some missing) so we may not need the exact clip moulded. If I get a replacement cover, I'll probably use double sided tapes to secure it anyway!
appologies, what I meant was, if having to match the exact clipping shape on the side is a)making the mould more complicated and b) costly in material and time (one mould for each cover). And given the clip doesn't seem to be very secure anyway, we could alternatively device a new, common, clipping mechanism that works on all four covers (metal clips, extra 'legs', use double sided tapes...whatever), then we just need multiple copies of a single mould to make it work for everyone's missing covers. I believe the surface of all 4 covers are the same, difference is only at the clips.
okay... what I was also thinking about is a small spring metal section that pushes into place or helps to hold the cover in place. I'd really like to see the individual ones next to one another and compare / contrast to see what the differences are. I don't mind creating an improved version, but that will take time and I'd prefer to get the original out of the door :)

okay... what I was also thinking about is a small spring metal section that pushes into place or helps to hold the cover in place. I'd really like to see the individual ones next to one another and compare / contrast to see what the differences are. I don't mind creating an improved version, but that will take time and I'd prefer to get the original out of the door :)


Now that would be a better option :)

I am going to have to fudge mine to fit but this would be a better idea for mass production :)
I've also honestly thrown the idea around tonight of a reprap to put something together. It might be cheaper (and I get to use ABS), but it means making sure it's 100% correct and that is going to be a complete pig.

I think, right now, that moulding is the easy way forwards. I'll check the quantities on the tinnies I can get here and maybe try to do a sample before I do anything else. Just had an excellent idea about *what* I use as the test, too ;)


hope i am ok to join in this thread. I just purchased my A2 last week and it is brilliant...except for missing a jacking point cover from the bodykit. I am assuming it is the same bodykit asin your discussion, it was dealer fitted when new (was their demo car 53 plate) so i would also be very happy if a part were to be available. The dealer told me i would have to order a complete sill cover at over £300+ vat and even then couldnt guarantee availability.

many thanks!
Hi Dangermouse67,

Welcome to the A2OC and congratulations on your purchase.

I think you’ll be very, very lucky to get a side skirt ordered from a dealership as the kit is now out of stock as a new item – so one good point is you’re £300+ vat better off.
Bad news is that this thread has gone cold, just like other threads on this topic.

Out of interest, what cover do you have missing? If it’s not the front near side it would be good if you would entertain posting this particular cover to me so I can progress this issue myself. I would anticipate needing the cover (should you still have the n/s/f) for 1 week to get drawings made.
I have all the other covers so will get a full set of drawings made.
I am also perusing inquiries to get moulds made to run a single batch of covers locally, but so far cost are high (as I’m only negotiating on having one full set made).



Hi Jeff,
thanks for the welcome, am happy with the motor so far.
having only owned the "2" for a couple of weeks i am sure you will understand my reluctance to remove another part at this moment in time. the cover i am missing is the driver side rear.
it seems quite ridiculous that a vehicle of this age should have parts availabilty issues.


the thread has definitely gone lukewarm as I'm fighting with too much to do at work and no energy at home as a result.

I'll send a PM over later today, I would like to attempt this. I know there's interest elsewhere at the prices I've spoken about (I covered this with one of the German guys on the way back from the Huskies), so I think this is a doable project.

OTOH, if they want to quote you for 20 pairs, I'd be interested to hear it :)


Sorry to hear you’re under the cosh at work, if it’s any consolation I am too.

Unfortunately without the missing cover, as none of the covers are interchangeable due to the securing lugs being slightly different, I haven’t been able to pursue this issue as yet.
Northampton Audi use Elite Motors for their body and paint repairs and one of their techs has expressed an interest in resolving my missing cover issue (but the cost for a 1 off single cover is beyond ridiculous – approx. £125).

As I have previously mentioned I’m more than happy to ship my remaining covers anywhere for them to be used as the blueprint for moulding, but I only have 3 side covers, and obviously would like them back soonest.

With all the expertise available by the members here we should be able to find a cost-effective and Votex Factory-finished (or better) resolution.

Do let me know if I can help in any way.


Bret, don't we all find 24hrs not enough in a day! I don't blame you, in fact, you have my total sympathy. But again, thanks for attempting to give it a go. Keeps us posted!
I asked some compagnies for a price to reproduce the covers.

I now have an offer for 24 euro, when I order 40 pieces
Covers made in PU-resin by vacuummolding.
I assume all covers on left and right are the same.

(template costs €300, cover each €16,25)

Is this reasonable?

(ah.. I read in the above posting they are not interchangable... that would change the price dramatically I think)
Drivers side front needed count me in...


Hope we are able to move on this as I would like a set also...

bit of an update: I've been told I essentially no longer have a 'workshop'.

Quite what this means I'm not too sure, but I need to talk to someone else at the weekend about space to be able to get the moulds set up and working properly. I should have some news tomorrow.

Apologies for the delay - but I also have essentially to clear the garage completely (!) - and since we've been using it as a storeroom for nearly 18 months, there's a *lot* of stuff to sort and move.

I hope this thread still has some life left in it...

I too am missing a cover, the drivers side rear. I'd be prepared to post through which ever one of my front covers might be needed to make a full set for the moulds.

Any progress updates?

If I could be counted in for a set that would be great.
I too am missing a cover, the drivers side rear. I'd be prepared to post through which ever one of my front covers might be needed to make a full set for the moulds.

I'll be popping into the bodyshop on Monday or Tuesday. I'll let them know I'll have a full set for them to make moulds - If they're still interested I'll drop you a PM.