Forum Update Today

  • Thread starter Thread starter ben
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Hi Ben. I hope this hasn't been asked before, but is there any progress on removing a persons 'like' from the latest activity. If 4 or 5 people like a thread then the latest activity can quickly become full of likes. (Please nobody like this this post :) )
I agree, but on a bizarre point of information the action of 'unlike' does not cause an entry in the activity stream????
Unlike all you like!

I've added an English (UK) language option in the Preferences (as the software only provides English (US) out of the box). I've not translated all phrases yet - so if you spot any Americanisms, please let me know.

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Hi Ben,

A bit of a silly one and something I might be stuck with but I thought I would mention it anyway.

Most of the time I view the forum on my iPad which I hold on the upturned palm of my left hand and scroll through threads using the third finger of my right hand on the right hand side. The problem is I am randomly liking posts!, I have probably not read as such. Just noticed I liked a post earlier with the interesting content of 'Sent you a PM'.

Can I turn my ability to like off or some other work around.

Sorry to take up your time.

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Hi Ben,

A bit of a silly one and something I might be stuck with but I thought I would mention it anyway.

Most of the time I view the forum on my iPad which I hold on the upturned palm of my left hand and scroll through threads using the third finger of my right hand on the right hand side. The problem is I am randomly liking posts!, I have probably not read as such. Just noticed I liked a post earlier with the interesting content of 'Sent you a PM'.

Can I turn my ability to like off or some other work around.

I’ve disabled likes on your account. Let me know if you need it back on at any time.
If you click on your user name (to the left of the INBOX on the menu). Then account details Then Your Profile you can search from there. But it takes a few steps.

Steve B
Good morning @ben, the previous forum displayed the user’s location, if set, in the thread. I always found this useful. Is it possible to configure this new forum software to do that? A case in point: I was just reading a new thread about a damaged LCD. Several people have advised the OP to wait for timmus returning from his travels. It transpires that the OP is in Lithuania, so Tom’s return is not relevant.

I know that I can click the username in the thread pane to the left to see ‘From ...’; in my opinion, ‘Location’ is a better term than ‘From’

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Good morning @ben, the previous forum displayed the user’s location, if set, in the thread. I always found this useful. Is it possible to configure this new forum software to do that? A case in point: I was just reading a new thread about a damaged LCD. Several people have advised the OP to wait for timmus returning from his travels. It transpires that the OP is in Lithuania, so Tom’s return is not relevant.

I know that I can click the username in the thread pane to the left to see ‘From ...’; in my opinion, ‘Location’ is a better term than ‘From’
If you change your user preferences to English(UK), you'll now see Location when you hover over the username on the left. We could add to the panel on the left, but it may add unnecessary clutter to the list of threads.
I've just found my threads but it's under the "Forums Section" rather than in my profile content which seams illogical. Is there any way you guys could put it back to how it used be? Great job by the way with the new look.
I've added an additional link in the Profile menu with title 'Your threads'
If you change your user preferences to English(UK), you'll now see Location when you hover over the username on the left. We could add to the panel on the left, but it may add unnecessary clutter to the list of threads.
@ben, I am not seeing a Language setting for Preferences in my profile.

Hi Ben,

I am still VERY impressed with the stability and overall improvement we are getting from the new software.

One thing that seems a bit strange is the space at the end of some threads when pictures are involved. In some cases it is reasonably small but in most cases it leaves a huge and annoying space at the end?

Is there a tip or setting that will remove that waste of space please?

Steve B
Hi Ben,

I am still VERY impressed with the stability and overall improvement we are getting from the new software.

One thing that seems a bit strange is the space at the end of some threads when pictures are involved. In some cases it is reasonably small but in most cases it leaves a huge and annoying space at the end?

Is there a tip or setting that will remove that waste of space please?

Steve B

Do you have an example you could attach?

Every post with a picture basically. Not just from me but from anyone.

The one that Steve posted the shows our favourite photo of our car. Rt the end of every post with a picture there is a blank area at the end, of varying length.

Steve B
OK - I just tested on IE, and I also see your issue. I'll raise with the vendor.

FWIW, this only seems to affect IE, as here's what I see at the end of posts with images in Chrome/Safari:

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Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 08.14.41.png

OR on smaller windows:
Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 08.16.10.png
